Accessibility & Inclusion at Starship

Accessibility and inclusion are integral to what we do at Starship – both with our robots and our food delivery service.

Starship is passionate about using technology to improve lives and enhance communities.

In the areas where we operate, we take great care to engage with and listen to people with disabilities and their families, charities, and support groups.

It’s important to us to reassure people with disabilities or additional accessibility needs about the safety of Starship robots. But, more than that, we also want to be providing them with an end-to-end service that makes life easier and more convenient.

In fact, customer surveys have revealed that, in some areas, as many as 25% of people using Starship robots have a disability or live with someone who does – showing that we’re well on the way to achieving our goal.

Below you can find information about how we operate, our work with both disabled people and charities, as well as other useful resources.

Frequently Asked Questions
We spend a lot of time working with disabled residents, groups and charities concerned with disability and accessibility. To give more insight into Starship robots and the service, we’ve answered some of the frequently asked questions here.

Audio Description Videos
We’ve created some videos with audio descriptions to help explain how Starship robots navigate on pavements, approach wheelchairs and cross roads.

Click here to view all Starship videos with audio description.

Starship robots have safely travelled over 4 million miles, completed over 3.5 million deliveries and cross more than 140,000 streets every day. And as we partner with more neighbourhoods and communities, we look forward to working with them to enhance the quality of many more lives.

We welcome any questions and ideas about accessibility and our robots. Please contact us at